Materials are elevated to the top floor by the new hoist. 材料由那台新起重机吊到楼顶。
The elevated vertical board from which the basket projects. The wall must be perpendicular to the floor. 篮板抬高的用于投篮的垂直板墙壁必须与地板成直角。
Regarding to the estimation of the elevated together with suspended heights of pipeline above the sea floor, they can be calculated with the Frontward and Backward models derived in this dissertation. 管线的影像计算可利用管线前端与后端推算模式,推估裸露管线高度;
The ship can be seen from many high-rises and elevated roads in Dalian, but two Ikea emergency exits on the third floor have emerged as the preferred vantage points. 在大连的许多高楼和高架桥上都能看到瓦良格号,但宜家三层的两个紧急出口成了最佳观赏点。
Materials are elevated to the top floor by a hoist. the story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret. 材料由起重机吊到顶楼。由四坡复屋顶形成的楼层通常称为顶楼。
Elevated Gallery connects with main building, second floor of weapon store and Central Escalator. 空中画廊连接了主楼及兵房的二楼门廊,同时亦与中区电梯相连。
The station consists of south and north station buildings, a central high elevated waiting room and a railway floor. The main structure of station is concrete frame, and the roof is curved steel structure. 哈尔滨西客站建筑上由南北主站房、中央高架候车厅及轨道层组成,主体结构采用框架结构,站房屋面为弧形钢结构。
The significantly elevated concentrations of As, Cd, and Zn found in shellfish likely resulted from the fact that their primary source of food is suspended matter, in particular, suspended fine sediment near or on the sea floor. 甲壳类动物体内砷、镉和锌的高浓度可能是由于它们的食物主要来源于水中悬浮物质,特别是海床和靠近海床的细粒悬浮物质。